Monday, October 18, 2010

The Tooth Fairy Story

We let Miguel watch the Tooth-Fairy cartoon & asked him to store his tooth underneath his pillow & the Tooth Fairy will appear with a present for him.  He was so worried & wonder if the Fairy = Ghost & asked if she could come in the morning?  Mommy bought him a small lego-toy and planned to share with him the story when he grows up one day....

We saw this extra tooth in Miguel's mouth & was worried that we might need to send him for tooth-extraction/operation! First time's parents learn & get to know - these will eventually replace his baby tooth after they had dropped by itself!

Miguel had his 1st Baby tooth fallen off at the age of 5years 5 months but he lost the 1st tooth and shortly in a month's time, his 2nd baby tooth came out on a Saturday night too and here, we had it store for sweet memory sake keeping.

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